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It's always the simple things that taste the best!

- Nini


Good day beautiful people! Hope your day is as glorious as mine. I’m feeling a bit mellow and lazy today, could be due to the drastic change of weather (The rain and grey clouds just make me want to stay in bed and watch Netflix all day), but alas I feel guilty if I just waste my day in bed mid-week. If it was Sunday, that’s another story.

Even though I’m in a lazy state, I’m still hungry and I am craving something sweet. I would like to spend as little time in the kitchen so I can get back to watching Shetland (if you haven’t heard of it, it’s a great crime/detective show). So going through my old recipe book I came across a recipe of No Bake cookies. I can’t remember exactly who gave me this recipe but it is great for those lazy days because, one, there is no long process; it will take max 10 mins to make, and two, less washing up to do. These are super easy to make, it’s just the technique that I have had to master over the years. FYI these do have a fair amount of sugar in them, so if you like something really sweet and less hassle then these cookies are your best bet.

In my calm, relaxed state I wanted to listen to something mellow but also upbeat, so I went on to creating a playlist solely of my favourite hits by Florence and the Machine. Her voice is just breath taking see for yourself HERE .


  • 2 cups of granulated sugar

  • 4 Table spoons (Tbsp) cocoa

  • 1 stick butter (113 grams)

  • ½ cup milk

  • 1 cup peanut butter (smooth or with nuts - just depends on what you prefer)

  • 1 Tbsp vanilla

  • 3 cups oats

  • wax paper


  1. Put sugar, cocoa, butter and milk in saucepan/pot, bring to a boil and let it boil for a minute.

  2. Remove from heat and let the mixture cool. Once cooled, add the peanut butter, vanilla and oats.

  3. When the mixture is combined, with a spoon (or you can use your hands) shape and size cookies and then drop them onto a sheet of wax paper and let it cool & harden.


When baking, its really important that you do not add the peanut butter straight into the boiled mixture of sugar, cocoa, butter and milk. Let the boiled mixture COOL. Speaking from experience putting the peanut butter straight away the cookies wont hard properly.

If you’re impatient and can’t wait for the cookies to harden, shorten the process by putting the cookies in the fridge.

Remember Good Food = Good Mood

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